Category: Accidents

This section outlines some of the floods, fires, drownings, building collapses, factory accidents, misplaced animals and rescues that have happened along the Poddle.

Related newspaper articles
Floods in Dublin
Floods in Dublin
2 Jan 1784

Dublin, 2ud January, 1784. The ssudden melting of the snow yesterday, together with the incessant rain, occasioned such floods in and about this city as were attended’ with much damage.…

Two centuries ago
Two centuries ago
3 Jan 1788

Such a fog as beshrouded this City last Saturday night (Dec. 29th) was never seen, felt, smelt, or remembered by man, woman, or child. It would be difficult to convey…

Bull in Poddle
Bull in Poddle
1 Oct 1789

On Monday night the people of a tavern in Essex Street were much surprised with the roaring of an animal under their kitchen; wnen raising some flags (beneath which the Poddle Water runs) they…

Great fire in Dublin
Great fire in Dublin
22 Jun 1875

Further Particulars As might he expected, the scene of the conflagration was visited by many thousands of the citizens on Saturday and Sunday. From the report of tho police, it…

Drowned in a public street
Drowned in a public street
26 Feb 1876

On Sunday evening, a poor woman, named Catherine Duffy, living in one of the numerous courts off Marrowbone lane, met her death under the following circumstances :—It appeared that beneath…

27 Aug 1877

Mr. Harty, county coroner, held an inquest on Saturday at 20 Rutland Avenue, Dolphin’s-barn, on tho body of a child named Eliza McMahon, who was accidentally drowned on the 24th…

Three persons killed
Three persons killed
15 Sep 1882

THEEE PERSONS KILLED Yesterday, shortly after noon, without a moments’ warning, one ‘ of the huge buttresses of the north chancel of St. Patrick’s”Cathedral fell to tho ground with a…

Serious fire outbreak in Dublin
Serious fire outbreak in Dublin
17 Sep 1906

Our Dublin correspondent says —A big blaze occurred in the small hours of the 15th inst. in Messrs. Barnatt’s food stores, Fumbally’s Lane, in the Liberties, west of St. Patrick’s…

Labourer’s finger crushed
Labourer’s finger crushed
17 Feb 1913

To-day, at the Courthouse, Green street, before the Right Hon. the Recorder, John Roche, a labourer in the employment of Messr Moran and Sons, contractors Strand, London, claimed compensation for…

Body of infant found
Body of infant found
25 Sep 1931

The body of an infant was found in the River Poddle at Dolphin’s Barn, Dublin, last, evening, by a boy named Rooney, of Rutland Avenue.

Make Liffey Beautiful
Make Liffey Beautiful
18 Feb 1938

As the volume of water for the Liffey scheme at Poulaphouca was controlled, why not use it to make the Liffey always an ornament, said Mr. Stephen Gwynn, the well-known…

Saint Patrick’s – Dublin’s Ancient Cathedral
Saint Patrick’s – Dublin’s Ancient Cathedral
18 Feb 1939

The offer of a last resting place for the late Mr. W. B. Yeats in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, has drawn public attention to that ancient edifice, and, this being-…

Rescued man better
Rescued man better
22 Aug 1955

Mr. James Wood, 186 Stannaway Road, Kimmage, who was rescued from the River Poddle at Captain’s Road, Kimmage, after he had fallen over the low embankment on Saturday night, was…

Dublin Rescue
Dublin Rescue
6 Mar 1960

Mr. Michael Byrne (31) of Kildare Road, was “under observation” in the Meath Hospital today after he had been rescued from the River Poddle in Harold’s Cross.

The night of the big wind
The night of the big wind
6 Jan 1967

By MALACHY HYNES It began at about 10p.m. on this day 128 years ago. A gale swept the country leaving death and destruction in its wake and registering the date…