Category: Bridges

Bridges mentioned in the archives include a never-built Poddle Bridge at Wellington Quay and the reconstruction of a bridge at the junction of St Martin’s Drive, Poddle Park and Bangor Road amongst others. Read the articles below to find out more about the bridges along the Poddle.

Related newspaper articles
A crime of a most fiendish nature
A crime of a most fiendish nature
4 Mar 1879

A crime of a most fiendish nature was attempted within the last few days in the city a crime which makes the blood chill, when remembering that it was the…

A Glance Backward – Ye Old Citie
A Glance Backward – Ye Old Citie
31 Aug 1901

The Poddle River – It’s Historic Association The following description of the Poddle is taken from an old History of Dublin:—”The great water course which cleanses the Liberties and the…

Co. Dublin Land Case
Co. Dublin Land Case
18 Jan 1905

Yesterday Mr. Justice Fitzgerald; with Mr P. Callan as assessor, sat in the Receivers Court, four Courts, and continued the hearing of county Dublin fair rent cases. Mary Ida Clayton…

The scene of tonight’s reception
The scene of tonight’s reception
21 Jun 1932

Thousands of visitors who will attend the State function at Dublin Castle to night, and who have never been within its precincts before, may be interested in some notes on…

Cottages Invaded
Cottages Invaded
13 Mar 1937

Water entered cottages in Rutland Avenue to a, depth of three feet, when the River Poddle, where it passes underground at Dolphin’s Barn, became choked up late on Thursday night.…

6 Sep 1968

Vandals’ have destroyed the new footbridge across the river Poddle at the top of Bangor Rd. The concrete and tubular- steel bridge which was used as a shortcut by hundreds…

Beside the Poddle
Beside the Poddle
31 Dec 1970

Liams drawing shows a quiet little oasis within a stones throw of the historic Poddle, the group of old houses in Loader (or Loder) Park, adjoining former mills on the…

Two Poddle bridges
Two Poddle bridges
16 Oct 1972

Through the courtesy of the White Swan Laundry, Liam was able to make this drawing from a foot bridge over a branch of the Poddle, where the ancient river disappears…

Near Poddle Mouth
Near Poddle Mouth
30 Oct 1973

Looking down Little Ship Street, towards the Castle gate, you are looking at one of the most historic spots in old Dublin.   The division of ancient Ship Street into…

Residents Clean Up
Residents Clean Up
27 Sep 1974

AN ARMY of residents moves out tomorrow to launch a clean-up of the River Poddle. Volunteers will join forces with Dublin Corporation  lorries, men and clean-up equipment. The campaign is…

Viking Dublin
Viking Dublin
25 Oct 1988

A THOUSAND years ago Dublin, though smaller and mainly built on the south side of the Liffey, was as thriving a port as it is today. Viking longships sailed from…

New Homes Choice
New Homes Choice
25 May 1990

MOUNT ARGUS is perhaps one of the finest landscaped developments to come on the market in the area for a long time.The River Poddle has been brought through the parkland…

Bridging the gap: what Dubliners think
Bridging the gap: what Dubliners think
29 Oct 1994

It has been nicknamed the Drunken Bridge and The Wave Across The River due to its controversial design. It will cost £750,000 of European money to build and will span…

Councillors vote down bridge
Councillors vote down bridge
16 Dec 1994

TEMPLE Bar Properties’ controversial Poddle pedestrian bridge was torpedoed by Dublin city councillors at last night’s full monthly meeting of the council when they failed to give the project the…

Liffey bridge plan appealed
Liffey bridge plan appealed
13 Jan 1995

TEMPLE Bar Properties has lodged an appeal with An Bord Pleanala against Dublin Corporation’s refusal of planning permission for a footbridge, to be called Poddle Bridge, over the Liffey at…

Liffey bridge architect hits back at objectors
Liffey bridge architect hits back at objectors
12 Apr 1995

THE proposed new footbridge over the Liffey will be totally accessible to the disabled and parents with buggies, its architect said. The 48 metre, canopied Poddle Bridge is designed to…

Appeal on Dublin Footbridge
Appeal on Dublin Footbridge
13 Apr 1995

The designer of a proposed pedestrian bridge, between Ormond Quay and Wellington Quay, Mr Michael McGarry, said the Poddle Bridge could do for the city what the East Link did…

How history flows through Dublin
How history flows through Dublin
10 Feb 2004

The River Poddle has been known by several different names over the centuries such as the Puddle, Pottle and the Podell. It was known as the Tiber and also as…

Proposed New Footbridge
Proposed New Footbridge
31 Mar 2004

Proposed New Footbridge over the River Poddle at Poddle Park, Kimmage, Dublin 6W. Planning and Development Act 2000 Planning and Development Regulations 2001-Part 8 Pursuant to the requirements of the…