The government established in May 1735 a barracks near St. Patrick’s to physically intimidate Dean Swift or at least to keep him from using mobs from his liberties to intimidate the government. “A curse on these twenty Soldiers drumming through my Liberty twice a day and going to a Barrack the Government hath placed under my Nose”

Two centuries ago
1 Jun 1751Friday night, one William Jackson butcher in Kevin Street, attempting to scale the wall of the Bishop of Elphin’s garden, was shot by a Person appointed to watch, as his…
Two centuries ago
21 Apr 1752Yesterday morning about nine o’clock, the Liberty Boys being informed that several Pieces of English Cloth were sent out of the City to the Clothiers in Chamber Street and Weavers’…
Two centuries ago
8 Aug 1752Last Tuesday (4th) the Liberties and Franchises of this City were ridden and perambulated by the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and City Officers, and by the, 24 Corporations who all…