A Forgotten Dublin Parish

A Forgotten Dublin Parish

9 Apr 1934


To the Editor ” Irish Independent,”

Sirā€”Information is sought on the records of the forgotten little parish of St. Mary, whose church of St. Mary La Damo stood at the Dame Gate, also called the Eastern Gate (taken down in 1698) nearly on the site of the site of the present City Hall. The parish contained most of the Dublin Castle grounds and a strip Iying without the east wall of the city between it and theĀ Poddle River, and with St. Andrew’s was later joined to St. Werburgh’s, and remained absorbed, though St. Andrew’s was, in 1665, separated by Act of Parliainent. Subsequently St Mary’s Church became a secular building and was leased to Sir George Carew, Earl of Totnes, and later to the adventurer, Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork. Thus it became the Cork House, which gave the name of Cork Hill o the ascent to the Upper Castle Gate.

William MacArthur

Blessington Hou[se], Upper Blessington St.,


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