Anglers Take The Biscuit

Anglers Take The Biscuit

5 Nov 1995

Anglers take the biscuit

Mention the Poddle River to most Dubliners, and they’ll look at you blankly — because it has been built over.

Years ago, while fishing on the Liffey I met two lads who worked as boilermen in Jacobs Biscuit Factory (now gone) in Aungier Street. The Poddle flowed under the factory. When things were quiet, the boys would lift a manhole and drop two baited hooks into the river.

An input of £300,000 for five projects under the Tourism Angling Measure of the Operational Programme for Tourism 1994-2000 has been announced.

WE we have 150,000 anglers of our own to accommodate on water at present, sometimes it can get fairly crowded. Granted, not at all as crowded as the English waters where they are practically elbow to elbow.

Now that the trout and salmon season is over, the whole emphasis is on sea fishing and coarse fishing. Here’s one amusing incident, among many which have filtered back to me. Fishing with skipper Mary Hughes, from Newport, an English angler brought to the surface a 13lbs skate — with a ‘lady friend* attached in a very compromising position indeed. Ardour apparently cooled at that stage and (he lady detached herself. The male was released to resume his love-making . . .

At the Belmullet Sea Angling Club’s seventh and final leg of the Master Angler, competition secretary, Tony Lally came out on top.

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