Cllrs Oppose Plans on Poddle Cover Up

Cllrs Oppose Plans on Poddle Cover Up

19 May 1993

PLANS to put more of Dublin’s Poddle River underground are being opposed by city councillors. The Corporation is evaluating tenders for the erection of concrete culverts over a section of the rivet running through a hospice at Harold’s Cross. Much of the river has already been covered as the city has become more built-up. But Councillor Eric Byrne (DL) said: “This runs through idyllic surrounds and we should get a full report on why tenders are being sought.” Councillor Ciaran Cuffe [GP) said: “It’s a great pity the river is covered in most built-up areas. We should think carefully before culverting any section of the stream. It can have great amenity value if it’s left uncovered.” Now Assistant City Manager William Soffe has agreed to give the city council a detailed report of the proposal. In the mean time a decision on tender has been deferred. A portion of the river which runs through the heart of the city has been exposed during road works by Corporation workers near Saint Patrick’s Cathedral

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