Cottages Invaded

Cottages Invaded

13 Mar 1937

Water entered cottages in Rutland Avenue to a, depth of three feet, when the River Poddle, where it passes underground at Dolphin’s Barn, became choked up late on Thursday night. Many people in Rutland Cottages had to leave their homes. Others spent the night baling out the water.

The cause of the flooding, residents in the area said, was the clogging of a grating just above Rutland Cottages, through which the Poddle flows underground for about-400 yards until it discharges into the Grand Canal near Dolphin’s Barn Bridge. Mrs. McNamara, 5 Rutland Cottages, told an Irish Independent representative that the floods entered her home from tho front and rear. “Most of tho night,” Mrs. McNamara said, “I spent carrying my children, one aged 3 years, and the other G months, round the house, holding them above the water, which at times was three feet high in the house. “Meanwhile my husband was working at the back trying to stop the onrush. This morning, knee-deep in water, I made him his breakfast be/ore he went to work.”

Other residents in tho cottages described how the water had risen in their homes to a depth of over three feet, destroying bedclothes and other household goods.

Flooding of houses at Larkfield Rd., Kimmage, also occurred yesterday evening.

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