Crown Forces and Sewer Arrangements Near Castle

Crown Forces and Sewer Arrangements Near Castle

29 Jun 1921


Crown Forces and Sewer Arrangements Near Castle

The report of the Improvements Committee of the Dublin Corporation to be submitted to the quarterly meeting on Monday states:

A reports was received from the Engineer in Charge to the effect that on the 8th March he was taken under duress, from his residence to his office by Crown forces in an armoured car, and compelled to disclose information regarding certain of the ordinance sheets and plans showing the river Poddle and sewer arrangements in the vicinity of Dublin Castle.

Office Searched

His office was thoroughly searched and certain to the plans and maps taken a receipt for which was given. On the following day he was compelled to accompany a military officer through portion of the Poddle. We were also informed by the superintendent of the Clontarf pumping station that Auxiliary forces visited the station on the night of the 16th March that the prized open the drawers of the drawing hole and also four of the men’s lockers in the engine house and examined the contents.

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