Culverting of Poddle River at Kimmage Road Lower

Culverting of Poddle River at Kimmage Road Lower

23 May 1986

CULVERTING OF PODDLE RIVER AT KIMMAGE ROAD LOWER TENDERS are invited from competent Civil Engineering Contractors for the construction of a pre-cast concrete culvert over a length of 250 metres and ancillary works at Kimmage fload Lower, Dublin 6. Tender -Documents may be obtained from Corporation of Dublin. Engineering Dept, 28 Castle Street, Dublin 2, on payment of a deposit of £200, returnable on receipt of a bona fide tender not subsequently withdrawn and on the return of all the documents. Sealed tender endorsed “Tender for Culverting of Poddle River” should be lodged with Corporation of Dublin, Engineering Department, 28 Castle Street, Dublin 2, not later than 12 noon on Friday, 20th June, 1984. The lowest of any tender need not necessarily be accepted and the acceptance of any tender is subject to the approval of the Minister for the Environment. It is a condition for the award of this contract that the successful tenderer must produce promptly a tax clearance certificate (unless be holds a sub-con tractor’s C2 certificate). Non-resident tenderers must produce a statement of suitability from the Revenue Commissioners.

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