Dublin – Alarming Statement Denied
One of the Dublin evening papers yesterday published an alarming statement to the effect that the Main Drainage machinery of the pumping station at the Pigeon House Fort- had broken down in many important parts and that in consequence a considerable part of the sewage is being discharged into the Liffey.
Inquiries made last night by representatives of the “Irish independent” in various quarters, however, elicited the reassuring information that such is not the case. An official connected – with the Pigeon House Pumping Station said there was no breakdown in the machinery except such as might be occasioned by ordinary wear and tear.
Further particulars were furnished by a prominent member of the Corporation, who stilted authoritatively that no leakage from the main drainage into the Liffey ha3 occurred; that whatever silting has taken place is due to the flow from the old drains and the incomplete condition of the drainage scbeme, but that this silting, if it occurs, can be dealt with by constant supervision of the Engineering Department, and that since measures have been taken to cope with the old sewers the 8-foot drain has been perfectly satisfactory. The reports of the engineer furnished to the Commiitees of the Whole House at Monday’s Corporation meeting with reference to the silting at Hawkins street, and other portions about sis months ago showed that constant supervision has been exercised, and that with ordinary care such a state of affairs will not occur. ”
There is absolutely no defect in the sewer and flow leakage has been discovered,” said our informant “and if any part of the pumping machinery has worn out it’ is due only to ordinary wear and usage, and not to defective material or construction.” The silting at Hawkins street and other portions might be explained, he added, by the defective state of the old drains and the accumulation of such matter was not detected” sooner because men were forbidden to, go down into the drain owing to the Bad fatalities a few years
Another reason was that as the entire main drainage system is comparatively a new one, siltings were allowed to take their course. This defect of silting has now been successfully coped with, and’ there is no probability of a recurrence.
Ald. Farrell, who was formerly chairman of the Improvements Committee, stated emphatically that there was nothing materially wrong with the system. Since the recent cleansing operations—which became necessary owing to the fact that no flushing took place for three years — the main has been regularly under observation, and a man has to walk the sower every month. In addition, the manholes have been protected with a wire netting apparatus, which, prevents sand and other soft substances from getting through. “You may take it,” he said confidently, that the main drain is working” all right.
There had been no breakdown at the Pigeon House, he said, with the exception of the breaking of a tidal gate, which cost about £300. “As to the pumps,” he added, “they are not powerful enough to deal with heavy rainfalls. We have now to cleanse Pumps, which will cost about £3,000, to deal with the storm’ water.” He estimates that, in addition to the schemo which has been sanctioned of £A00,0QQ to deal with certain small areas not included in the previous scheme it will be necessary to expend another £100′,000 to include what is known as the Poddle area, which takes, is; a big district extending from Dolphin’s Barn into the very heart of the city.
Another prominent Councillor expressed serious misgivings with regard to the system, but for the present declined to go into details.
It was rumoured that legal proceedings are threatened between a prominent official and a member of the City Council, based of certain statements alleged to have been made by the latter. In other quarters it is stated that a sworn inquiry may he called for.
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