Gossip of the day

Gossip of the day

5 Mar 1900

In connection with the building of the Bride’s Alley area artisan dwellings an interesting work is being performed. This is the changing of the course of the River Poddle that flows underneath the streets of the Coombe district, under Dublin Castle and enteres the Liffey at Wellington Quay. From the time it enters the city the river is in reality nothing but a big sewer. It flows down the Coombe and the neighbourhood of St. Patricks Cathederal it is divided into five or six channels, several of which flow underneath rows of tenement houses that are densely populated. This water impregnates the subsoli with sewage and is highly dangerous to the health of the people living in the vicinity. When the work now in hands is completed the river will cease to flow into the channels referred to but will go underneath the center of Patrick street. The unhealthy subolu water will then be pumped out.

The sinking of the foundations for the Bride’s Alley area houses is proving an extremely laborious operation. The ruins of ancient cellars and kitchens are constantly being discovered as the men dif down, and sometimes it happens when they think they have arrived at terra firma they find the they have been mistaken.

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