Interview with the minister – satisfactory result
3 Jan 1932Referring to the result of the interview which tho deputation from tho Corporation had with the Minister for Local Government (Mr. S. T. O’Kelly), an Irish independent representative says employment will be given to a number of men from to-day,’ Also numbers will be gradually increased. It was ‘stated by a member of the deputation that “the Minister’s was a fine gesture, one of the finest yet made.” The deputation placed before him a number of schemes, directly concerned with drainage, clearance of sites tor housing, and the cleaning up of a number of rivers around the city, including the Poddle, the Dodder, and the Camac. There are numerous other smaller schemes of a less outstanding nature, and is expected that when the Corporation moves, within ‘a few days, starting to-day on the enrolling of men, work will be given to about 200’. This figure, which is a very low estimate, and deals only with a bare fraction of the unemployed people in Dublin will be increased after the reading of the Budget by Mr. MacEntee, who will, it is revealed include.provision for the granting of a substantial sum to Dublin municipal bodies for the relief of distress.
The Minister for Local Government, because of his long experience as a member of the Dublin Corporation, was familiar with the problem. He discussed it at some length with the deputation, who included the Lord Mayor (Aid. A. Byrne, T.D.), Messr. E. Bow, J. Larkin (sen.), and Sherlock (City Manager and Town Clerk). Speaking from personal experience while visiting tho homes of the workless during tho past fortnight, the Lord Mayor dwelt with the. Misery caused by poverty and hunger, and tho added (hardship caused by evictions).
The Minister also received a deputation from the Dublin Board of Public Assistance with reference to further grants for the relief of tho poor, and to this deputation Mr. O ‘Kelly also gave, a satisfactory assurance, declaring that grants will be provided. In this latter instance, however, nothing may be done until after the Budget, but the hope is held out that any grant to be made will be substantial. The members of the deputation were Kettle, Chairman; Mr. J. J. Farrell. who also represented Rathdown and Balrothery Boards
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