Labourer’s finger crushed
17 Feb 1913To-day, at the Courthouse, Green street, before the Right Hon. the Recorder, John Roche, a labourer in the employment of Messr Moran and Sons, contractors Strand, London, claimed compensation for injuries which, he alleged, he had received whilst employed at the drainage works below the Castle Yard, the contract for which was being curried out by the respondents.
The applicant was examined, and stated that whilst he was working in the river Poddle in tho Lower Castle Yard, on the 12th June, the second finger of his right hand was crushed and blood poisoning set in. He was treated in Cork street Hospital for two months and returned to light work with the respondents on the 27th Aug. last. He remained with them till the 12th January, when he was dismissed on account of slackness of work. He still complained of headaches, dizziness, and nervousness.
Dr. Day stated that in his opinion the applicant would not be able for heavy work until from six to two months had elapsed.
The Record held that the respondents were liable, and awarded £40 compensation with his costs and £1 for 1s witnesses expenses.
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