Night of Terror For 4 Families

Night of Terror For 4 Families

20 Jan 1965

was wet in town I another night

•nnri banks at

road The A.A. reported flooding in four separate areas—Merrion Gates, the Naas Road at the Volkswagen factory, Santry Road between Santry Road and Collinstown Cross, at Blanchardstown village and 220 yards beyond the village.

After a four hour hold-up the mail ooat Hibernia was able to land at Dun Laoghaire. Heavy seas rammed the ship into the pier when she

attempted to land at the usual time. The 206 passengers were pitched about. Fifty feet of belting was torn from the pier.

Many of the passengers complained that the long wait would have been endured with more patience had they been told what exactly was happening.

The River _Poddle burst its of heavy rain and

Mount Argus. Kimmage.

In Loughlinstown fields were flooded to a depth of six feet and at Stradbrook traffic was slowed down, after water poured through a- wall, from a small river, which had overflowed its banks.

There was also extensive flooding in South Co. Dublin and North Wicfclow.

Meanwhile in the cMy centre four families living in the one house at Blackhall Street were shocked when their rooms became flooded and big. gaping cracks appeared in the walls.

The first danger signs came shortly before one o’clock when water started to drip from holes in the roof into the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly, who have two young children, David (3 ! 2) and twoyear-old Linda. arrived as the floods winds

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