On Sale-Spy Mary’s Old Estate

On Sale-Spy Mary’s Old Estate

12 Sep 1986

On sale – Spy Mary’s old estate
A LARGE slice of old Dublin housing stock, with quaint washing rights in the River Poddle, owned by a British Great War spy. has just come on the property market.

The remainder of the estate of Mary Agnes Hammond, the Irish-born spy, comprises 26 _two-up, two-down terrace houses in the Liberties.

Mary Hammond was the daughter of a Catholic builder and Is believed to have worked as a spy with the British secret service on mainland Europe during and after the First World War.

On her coming of age In 1902 she inherited 150 houses and cottages from her father who built the artisan tvpe dwellings in the 1880s. At the time thev fere valued at £1.000 12s. 8d.. a far cry from their _nreint value_, but a lot of money 80 year ago.

The 26 houses are located in the Blackpitts and Emerald Square, Dolphin’s Barn. Then arc in Hammond Street, scene of the death of Dolores Lynch, her mother and aunt In January 1983 when their home was burnt down maliciously.

The typical type of terrace house in this sale are two storey with two bedrooms, a front Hvirgroom and rear kitchen with external toilet ard small backyard. Many of the properties were d-cupicd by Gujnness Brewery wortkers who _benefited from the first Rent _Restrictions Act in 1915. Indeed, many of the houses are oexcupied today by descendants of the original tenants.

Solicitors for the trustees, Buckley Man noon and Co., confirmed that the old ‘ease of the Blackpitts area was from the Eail of Meath.

The lease included the quaint right of occupiers of . Blackpitts houses “at _reisonable times «nd upon necessary occasions for the purpose of cleansing and scouring,” to use the River Poddle.

The new owners will, however, have difficulty In exercising that right, for the Poddle has long been underground.

Born in Bangor Co. Down- Mary Agnes Hammond was the daughter of Arthur Hammond who died in 1891 with an undress at Talbot St., Dublin and a “country reidence” at I Morehampton Road, Co. Dublin. She never married and died _aSed 79 In Lausanne, Switzerland, tn December 1956\ Her total estate, which was substantial, was valued then at oly a fraction of the £100.000 which her trustees may expect when the _remaining properties are sold in early October by tender through solicitors, _Bncfcirv Mannion St Co., D»«dnim.

These properties are being sold with occupying tenants and are considered as Investment properties_, and it Is probable that the houses will he sold in bulk.

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