Poddle surfaces in garden

Poddle surfaces in garden

30 Nov 1985

Dublin’s Poddle River — which runs much of its course underground and once supplied the old city’s water needs — claimed a suburban garden yesterday.

An astonished Mrs. Maureen Cooke opened the front door of her red-bricked home at No. 9 Kimmage Road, yesterday morning to find a ten-foot square hole where part of her front garden once stood.

“I was flabbergasted when my neighbour Mrs. Forde told me about it. I do not know whether to be worried or not about the house — I just do not know what is going to happen next!” the Dublin widow said, still suffering from the shock of it all.

The culvert which carries the river, running less than six feet beneath the front gardens of the neat two-storey houses on Kimmage Road, collapsed yesterday morning because of subsidence.

Mrs. Cooke’s neighbour, Mrs Charlotte Forde, had complained to the Corporation recently about a “dip” In her front path and city engineers had been out investigating. Now the Corporation plans to repair and restore the gardens soon — but not too soon, the neighbours mused; last summer the Poddle’s rising caused floods up to their front doors.

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