Purification of the Liffey

Purification of the Liffey

15 Oct 1874

Tho following is the report of Messrs. Price, Cotton, and Palles to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and Corporation of Dublin :—

“Mr Loud and Gentlemen. In accordance with the resolution passed by you on tho 17th of August, 1S74_, appointing three independent Irish engineers to examine and support upon all the plans placed before the Council, or any other plan that they may suggest for the purification of the River Liffey and the abatement of the nuisance arising therefrom, we, tho undersigned, to1 whom |the matter was referred, have tho honour of presenting the following report, embodying tho result of our investigations:—The plans which have come before us ate in number 57 ; they have been explained by plans and models in some instances, by written statements alone in others, and also by both combined. In a few cases they have had considerable pains evidently bestowed on their elaboration. We should have been glad to have been able to report that there was one among these plans that we could recommend for adoption as being efficient and within reasonable limits of expense.”

After examining these plans in classes, and rejecting each and all, they go on to explain their own plan, thus :—
By taking up the Swan Water the Dodder will be relieved from the sewage of Rathmines. We propose to divert the Poddle river as designed by Mr. Neville. The drainage from the Kilmainham township may be taken partly into the south sewer, but we do not propose to take the entire of it. We think the. mode of separating storm waters from the ordinary flow of sewage, proposed b3 the author of plan No. 31, Mr. T. D. McCarthy, may be usefully adopted in some of the sewers, and we recommend its being tried.

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