Residents Clean Up

Residents Clean Up

27 Sep 1974

AN ARMY of residents moves out tomorrow to launch a clean-up of the River Poddle. Volunteers will join forces with Dublin Corporation  lorries, men and clean-up equipment.

The campaign is spearheaded by St. Martin’s Residents’ Association, which incorporated Poddle Park, St. Martin’s Park and St. Martin’s Drive.

After a big meeting of residents it was decided to clean up the Poddle in the area once and for all. Now the Association has produced a ten-point plan will ensure the river is kept clean once the initial effort is made.


The residents want notice boards erected forbidding dumping and_ pollution of the river and its banks. They point out that the pedestrian bridge at Bangor Road is dangerous and unsuitable for use by old people and young children. A suggestion that steps might slow down cyclists is made. Cement walls beside the bridge are broken, and now there is no protection for toddlers. The Association alleges there is oil pollution in the Poddle from at least two industries in the area.


It is hoped that the river will be cleaned regularly, flowers grown on the banks, and grass and weeds controlled. It is also suggested that trees be planted_.

The commercial use of the river should be inquired into, and if the sluice at Firhouse is not serving a purpose it should be closed, the Association says

They urged an inquiry as to whether a new bakery extension has been approved by the planning authorities.


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