River Burst
16 Jul 1973RIVER BURST
At Mount Argus, the Poddle burst its banks, flooding two houses in Loder Park. Mr. William Walton, who lives there with his wife and four children claimed that the Corporation would not clean up the weedchoked river which runs past the rear of his house. He said that the weeds which are hindering the flow of the water are a major contributory factor to the flooding.
“I was flooded the same last year,” Mr. Walton said, adding that __ it cost him £62 to have repairs done to his home after the last flood. Units of the fire brigade _mimned the Poddle at Mount Argus Church late last night to stop it overflowing in the Church vard. Thev eventually got it under control. _*-.„- .- Next-door to ¦ Mr.–Walton, Mrs. -Eileen ‘Kavanagh, widow. with two. children had her house also flooded. Mrs. Kavanagh claims that her home is flooded often and that the area is rat infested. She pointed out several rat holes in her- home.
There was also some flooding near the Gardai station at Cabra.
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