Residents a help to St. Peters

Residents a help to St. Peters

13 Aug 1971

OUR SUMMER SERIES on Schools’ League champions takes us this week to one of the most recent additions to the League, St. Peter’s N.S., Walkinstown, who are holders of the Clonmore Cup, the award for Division III in junior football, the school’s first League trophy.

Opened in January, 1965, Scoil Naomh Peadar caters for the comparatively new housing estate north of the upper reaches of the River Poddle, roughly east of Greenhills Road, and stretching from Walkinstown Cross towards Tallaght. Pending the construction of the present school, prefabs were utilized and indeed, though the main school has been occupied for almost two years now, the pre-fabs are still necessary in this expanding area.

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