The Liberty Watercourse
The Liberty Watercourse
22 Mar 1968The Poddle River at Harold’s Cross makes almost its last appearance before going underground. This was part of the old Watercourse serving the Liberties of St. Patrick’s, dating back to at least 1244, when a weir was built on the Dodder at Firhouse, from which the city Watercourse was diverted. By means of a stone “Tongue” near the present Sundrive Cross Roads the waters divided again, two-thirds going by Harold’s Cross, the remainder making for Dolphin’s Barn and Thomas Street. Aided by the stream from Tymon (near the Green Hills) the Poddle served as the city’s main water supply from 1244 to 1775; when use was made of the canal water, but the Mayor” in early times, had power to divert the city supply to fill the Dublin Castle moat.
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