Two authorities ban plan

Two authorities ban plan

10 Jan 1974

DUBLIN development company found itself yesterday afternoon in a verbal planning battle with both Dublin Corporation and Dublin County Council at the same time.

Both bodies had refused planning permission for development of a 10-acre site at Kimmage Road West. The site is bisected by the River Poddle, which forms a natural boundary between the Council and Corporation areas. The developers. St. Anne’s Estates, Ltd., propose to build three blocks of three-storey flats containing 108 units.

Mr. E. M. Walsh, S.C., for St. Anne’s Estates, said, that there was an impasse as both the Corporation and the County Council had refused planning permission. But recently both authorities had reopened the matter, following the serving of a claim for compensation. They had resubmitted applications but were dismayed at the comprehensive nature of the subsequent refusals. Mr. Walsh said that it appeared to be accepted by everybody that there should be development. The form of development was in dispute. They were anxious to reach agreement and were prepared to have the Minister act as arbitrator. Among grounds for refusals were the county area zoned as public open space; the proximity of the Poddle; and a proposed Tallaght-Kimmage cross road bus-lanes.

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