Two centuries ago
3 Jan 1788Such a fog as beshrouded this City last Saturday night (Dec. 29th) was never seen, felt, smelt, or remembered by man, woman, or child. It would be difficult to convey a competent idea of it. It felt upon the back and body like a wet blanket, and smelt like a combination of charcoal and sulphur.
To the eyes it seemed like a cloud of impenetrable smoke, and to the lungs, at least of old and asthmatic people, it caused them to play just like the valve of a bellows. Such a number of accidents as that occasioned is without parallel; some persons walked into cellars and broke their bones, others plunged headlong into the Lifiey, and some into the Poddle …. fine such a variety of falling, plunging, dismay and consternation never occurred in this, nor, may we venture to pronounce in any other country.
— Dublln Evening Post, January 3, 1788.