Dublin Relief Works

Dublin Relief Works

26 Feb 1925

£45.000 To Be Spent.

(From Our Reporter). Dublin, Wednesday.—The Commissioners of the Dublin Corporation have received the sanction to the expenditure of a grant of £45.000, out of an applied for grant of over £84,000, on relief works. The proposals are:— Waterworks.—Construction of settling tanks at the 5th and 8th locks, £8,309. Cleaning watermains throughout the city, £3,000. Drainage—Crumlin tunnel, £20,500. Crumlin cut and cover, £13.020. Tolka valley sewer, £11,500. Diversion of Poddle, £2,000. Extension of sewers, £1,500. Culvert on Poddle at Clarke’s factory, £2,600. Sewer Upper Drumcondra Road and Cork Street, £2,000. Filling in disused portion of Poddle, £1,250. Road Construction. — Parnell Road construction, £3,000. Marino clearance, first section, £l,550- _Cliftonville Road and Fairfield Road, £625. ” Cleansing.—Cleaning lanes_, £1,969. ‘New breakwater Pigeonhouse, £9,750.

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