Letter from the Minister for local Government

Letter from the Minister for local Government

25 Feb 1925

The following letter has been received by P.S. O’Dubhghaill T.D., from the Minister for Local Government, in reply to an inquiry relative to the providing of relief work.

Ministry of Local Government,

Upper Merrion St., Dublin.

February 20, 1925.

A. Chara—With reference to your letter of the 14th inst, together with enclosure I am directed by the Minister for Local Government and Public Health to forward for your information a copy of the schedule of approved works under the scheme to be carried out by the Commissioners of Dublin County Borough through the medium of the relief grant of £45,000. The total cost of tho works mentioned amounts to £84,583, and in sanctioning the grant of £45,000 the Minister for Finance, to whom these proposals were submitted, stipulated that the Commissioners should undertake to bring the works to completion. The works were selected by the Commissioners in November last as those most likely to give immediate employment.

ln accordance with the promise contained in Mr. Burke’s letter of December 17 last to you the matter of the roadway from Rialto to the Third Lock was brought specially under the notice of the Commissioners, and on December 23 an engineer inspector from this Department visited the locality with the chairman of the Commissioners. It was found, however, that DETAILED SURVEYES AND LEVELS should first be taken, specifications and estimates prepared, and it was expected that the necessary legal formalities would involve delay.

In the circumstances it was not considered practicable to include the repair of this roadway in the scheme submitted in November apart altogether from the fact that the cost of the new proposal would have to be added to those previously submitted and upon which the sanction of the Minister for Finance has been obtained to the grant of £45,000.

I am also to say that vou are, no doubt, aware that a grant made from the Relief Grants Vote is available during the financial year, ending on the 31st prox.

I am to add that it is understood that the Commissioners are making arrangements to have a scheme ready for the work in which you are interested as soon as any additional grants may be made available.- Mise, le meas,


Runaidhe Airde.

The following are the revised proposals: Waterworks—Construction of settling tanks at 5th and 8th locks, £8,360; cleaning watermains throughout the city, £3,000. Drainage-Crumlin tunnel, £20,500 ; Crumlin cut and cover, £13,020; Tolka valley sewer, £11,500; diversion of Poddle, £2,000; extension of sewers, £1,500; culvert on Poddle, at Clarke’s Factory, £2,600; sewer Upr. Drumcoiidra road, £2.000; piping watercourse at Vauxhall and Cork street, £2.000; filling in disused portion of Poddle, £1,550. Road Construction-Parnell road- construction; £3,000; Marino clearance, first section, £1550; Cliftonvile road and Fairfield Road, £625. Cleansing;—Cleansing lanes. £1,000; new breakwater, Pigeonhouse, £9750.

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