21 Feb 1910

There was a recurrence of the gale, accompanied by a torrential downpour oi rain, in the early hours of Saturday morning, and generally disagreeable tempestuous weather prevailed for the greater part of tho week-end. Flooding continues in many parts of the country, and in some places serious damage is reported.

Some remarkable scenes were witnessed in the Harold’s Cross district of suburban Dublin on Saturday owing to the little River Poddle overflowing its banks on high grounds near Mount Argus. The water rushed in a torrent down the upper and lower Kimmage roads, the water in some places being three or four feet deep. Residents in Mount Argus had to travel round by Terenure from the Rathmines district, but fortunately none of the houses were inundated. During the afternoon a “float,” provided by the Rathmines Township’ authorities, arrived on the scene, and was kept busily engaged all through the evening in ferrying passengers from “shore to shore” along the Kimmage roads.


Worshippers attending Mass in St. Paul’s. Mount Argus, yesterday, had some unpleasant experiences. All round the upper entrance was flooded to the extent of several feet, and it became a matter of necessity for those who declined to walk round a considerable distance to the other entrance to charter lorries and carts which were in attendance to convey them over the “roads,” which were turned into rushing torrents. Some novel incidents were witnessed, and in particular when nervous folk were obliged to take up uncomfortable positions on the lorries and carts.

During the day the rushing water from the river and the Kimmage quarries abated a good deal, and late last night the overflow had been reduced to a considerable extent. A prominent meteorological expert seen yesterday afternoon said that the glass had fallen in a remarkable manner during Saturday might. The barometer then stood at 28, a position which was indicated prior to the big storm of 1903. If the conditions did not alter a very “heavy storm, might be expected within 24 hours.

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